Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To: Make Yourself Look Dateable. On Paper.

The Dating Portfolio

In response to the outpour of emails we got from some of the past posts, my Roomie and I thought it would be a good idea to explain an additional step to getting a boyfriend (in addition to being like Jen Horchler).  This step is known as the “Dating Portfolio” step, and here are the basics.

A Dating Portfolio consists of:
1) A Cover Sheet- A hot, but not “sexy”-PROFESSIONAL photo of yourself with your full name.
2) Table Of Contents-This is a table of the contents.
3) Introductions (Biography)- This is where you say everything important about you.  Number of siblings, if you get along with your parents, what time you wake up in the morning, if you wake up in the morning, your favorite type of Scooter…etc.
4) This is Where You Talk About Your Strict Dietary Needs- Example-  “I eat dessert before dinner”, “You have to feed me and pretend like the fork is an airplane flying into my mouth”, or "Vegetables are a definite no".
5) Exercise Info-How many hours you work out.  Example-“I can bench press the weight of all the students at APU combined” or, “I do the elliptical in my sleep.”  Exaggeration is preferred. (TIP-Add 45 minutes extra to your actual exercise routine…this gives you the number you write in your portfolio)
6) The Number and Names of Every Child You Want to Have- A family should be a calculated and planned event in a person's life.  (If your spouse in question doesn't want to have William and Jane and Sally and Bobby, then you're not compatible.)
7) This is Where You List All Your Favorite Restaurants-If you don’t like eating on dates, you can list coffee/FroYo places here as well.  Or if you only eat your mom's cooking, put that down.  
8) Life Goals - the person in pursuit needs to know exactly what they're doing with the rest of their life, so make sure you have them fill out a questionnaire. For example, "I want to feed elephants in an African wildlife preserve," or "graduate from an overly priced private christian school and sell vacuums for Sears."
9) Conclusion-Sum it all up with a quote from someone famous, and act like they said it to you personally.  Write something that makes you seem humble and perfect for the person you are trying to capture.

When you get all these papers organized (Typed, Double Spaced, Times New Roman font, Size 12), put them in a nice folder.  Bring the portfolio to our apartment, and we’ll bring it to the graphics center to get laminated and multiplied.  Make sure you have a clear idea of how many portfolios you’re going to want to hand out.  This is legitimate.  Love is serious business.

<3Your BFFs


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We've been receiving a lot of emails with questions like: "I don't want a boyfriend right now.  How do I not get one?" or "I can't decide what to put in my fannypack.  What do you suggest?"  and the most popular one "I'm concerned about my future children.  How can I marry in order to have the perfect offspring?"  Now these are all very great questions, and we will be answering them in the near future, but we'd also like your advice, readers.  So message me. 

Another thing, it has come to my attention that not everyone has been following the links.
Anything highlighted, when clicked, will bring you a surprise.  Like an imaginary world only you can unlock.  It's basically Narnia.  So I advise you to go back to the post about Jen and Jon's Scooter Race, and follow the link that says "and this is how it went down".  If you want/if you didn't already.

Please email us words you would like defined!  We're human dictionaries.

TomorrowHow To:  Make a Dating Portfolio

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Words of Wisdomness From Nik Koch

Today's trustworthy writer, Nik Koch, is currently working as a money-tree maintainer in Afghanistan.  He listens to bands such as Brokedown Cadillac and Bruce Koch.  His ultimate hero/role model is Buddy the Elf, and he loves chocolate milk.  He actually doesn't maintain money-trees.  He's a firefighter in Afghanistan.  Nik is known for saying things like "gooder", "don't judge me because my favorite number in the alphabet is blue", "I just realized that I'm still 'it' from a game of tag in 1997", and "I'm off to go finish my book.  I have a new box of crayons and only 12 pages left!"  Lets hear what he has to say about sibling relationships!

Well here is my list of success to having gooder times with your bro n sis.” –By Nik Koch

With your BROTHERS:
-Slide down the stairs with a box: if you want to go down some stairs with a box, the gooder way to do it is stand the box up.  (In very rare cases) just make sure your little brother wont cry real loud when he breaks his collar bone when the box doesn’t go down the right way. So as a caution, duct tape his mouth.

-Driving: while your bro is driving and making a turn, cover his eyes and say, "guess who".

-Rock wars: stand really close to each other and start throwing rocks. (Sisters can play too, just make sure they don’t cry and tell mom or dad when they get hit). I’ve learned a lot from experience...

-The Sun Stare Game: Tell your brother that whoever stares the longest wins a car.  Give him one of your hot wheels when he wins.  He’s blind now, so he wont know the difference.

-Racing: now us guys like to make anything a race, the gooder way to do it is, like, at the most unthinkable place to race. (Like going to a classy restaurant with a play place!) First one to the top wins. Pushing and cheating encouraged

With your SISTERS:
-Staring contest: to make it gooder then just your boring regular stare, make faces but don’t make faces. Ha! Gets ‘em every time! (I’m undefeated, except this one time.)

-While walking: just randomly start skipping

-Laughing: start laughing and make a funny pose doing it, for some reason sisters cant stop laughing when you do it

-Blaming game: Ugh don’t bother.  Parents believe the sister over the brother. Always. It’s a losing battle.

-Going to the grocery store: well for some reason girls need a list (us guys don’t cause were just awesome that way) but when she goes and grabs something, later say you need the same thing and see if she will get it again. Now there are 2 parts to this:
1. Count how long she has that confused face for. (Record is 10sec)                       
2. If she doesn’t even get that confused face, and falls for it, see how long it takes for her to realize she got it already. (Record is all the way to check-out). See if you can get to the car.

-Taking pictures: tell her it’s a funny pic, and right before the pic is taken, make a regular face. Like a smile.

Well there are a few words of wisdomness for you all. Remember you can always have a gooder time with your family. Im sure theres a few of you out there who are thinking "I don’t want to hang with my family, they’re weird." 
Just remember, they are your weirdoes! 

Well said Nik!  You are full of knowledge!

Stay Tuned Readers.  UPCOMING:

Wednesday----->ARANDOM POST
Thursday----->How To: Create a Dating Portfolio


Monday, March 28, 2011

The Scooter Race Challenge: JON FIRMAN Vs. JEN HORCHLER

So yesterday, after Roomz posted, we heard the stampeding sound of a racing scooter on the 2nd floor of Bowles heading in the direction of our apartment.  We waited in suspense as the sound grew nearer and nearer and abruptly stopped at our front door.  Before we knew what hit us, Jon Firman burst in demanding a "SCOOTER RACE, JEN".
"OMG Jon it's like 10pm!" we protested, but he wouldn't take no for an answer.  He forced us to abandon our normal bedtime, so that we could see this challenge through.

It's probably important to mention the preparedness of Jon.  He whipped off his man-choir-attire (Polo and Khakis) to reveal a tank-top and gym shorts.  After wrapping a tie around his head, he was ready to compete.

Jen threw off her sweatshirt in her competitive rage and stomped into our room to find something that would rival Jon's racing gear.

The two of them, along with an entourage of spectators, flew outside to battle.  And this is how it went down...

TUESDAY-----> "How to: Have a Gooder Relationship With Your Brother/Sister"
Wednesday-------> ARANDOM POST.  It could be about YOU.

Check back often,

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Good evening our faithful followers,

Its Jen here. Roomie is too busy cleaning. I am eating oreos.

Noone wanted to take the challenge of trying to beat me in a Scooter race... So I got the honor to have a WHOLE blog post about me. If anyone wants to try to beat me in a race, the offer still stands.

IM GOING TO ALASKA FOR A MONTH! I just bought my ticket!!! I cant wait. I get to hang out with Livi and Aranda (Aranda my Roomie). ALL THE TIME!!! We're going to hike, laugh, drink lots of coffee, take photos, horseback riding, hopefully go on a boat, hang out with their families and SO MUCH MORE. Im sure the blog will be at it's peak with how many adventures and stories we'll have to tell you.

Next, I wanted to tell everyone about my new hobby. SK8B04RD!NG. I am such a 80$$ (Boss).I fell the other day. BUT ITS OKAY. I got right back on my board like a pro. I haven't mastered the ollie yet... But Im hoping LEVI PETERSON can help me someday. I'll have Aranda keep you updated on my progress.

Well, what else can I tell you? Update me on your "How to Get a Boyfriend" status!

"You'll definitely get a boyfriend if you skate!"

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To: Win Friends in a New Class

Who is Kyle Greenberg and why should we trust him?

Greenberg graduated from APU in 2010 with a degree in Communications.  He watches Family Guy and 30 Rock.  He loves God, loves others, and is interested in cupcakes.  Right now he’s working on his Master’s Degree.  He’s a genius!  TRUST HIM.  Everyone is a friend to Kyle; let’s hear from him how we can attain his level of success in our own friendships:

“How to Win Friends in a New Class”  By: Kyle Greenberg

So as everyone knows, entering a new semester can be scary, and in my opinion, one of the most-scary scary things is entering all of your new classes. So, here are some tips on how to win yourself some new friends in your new classes!

  1. Dress up. When applying and interviewing for jobs, they say you should dress for the job you want. Well, I say you should dress for the friend you want! Ladies, bring out the pantsuits and shoulder-padded blazers. Gentlemen, nothing short of a three-piece is acceptable. Everybody likes a cool cat and a foxy lady. Especially at 8AM. And even more especially-er when the class calls for athletic garb.  Remember that.
  2. Use any and every discussion time to talk about yourself. Seriously, your classmate will love all of your anecdotes, diatribes, analogies, soliloquies, and vignettes. Remember, people like people who talk about themselves to near inappropriate levels.
  3. If you are not quite ready to turn every conversation onto yourself, you can always settle for second best: Summarize what someone else just said. Good summary skills are indicative of initiative and comprehension. The next time you find yourself in a classroom discussion with nothing to say, raise your hand and start off with, “I’m going to piggyback what Robby just said”. Then, just recite the contrapositive (that is grown-up language for a claim formed by switching the subject and predicate terms of a categorical claim, and replacing both by their complementary terms. Duh) of whatever Robby just said. For instance:

Robby: I think that if Rosa Parks had not stayed in the front of that bus, then  the civil rights movement would not have happened when it did.
You: I’m going to piggyback what Robby said, for the civil rights movement to happen when it did, Rosa Parks had to stay in the front of that bus.

Boom! You just made like 3 friends.
  1. If you really just can’t master 2 or 3, simply ask questions. A simple, “Can you explain how…”, or “This might seem like a random question, but…” can be the difference between a group study sesh, and the entirety of Season Three of 24. And if all else fails, you can always opt for asking, “can you repeat that” after a teacher finishes explaining something to someone else. People love that.
  2. Lastly, take every opportunity possible to exhibit how incredibly intellectual you are. Disagree with classmates, textbooks, authors, and the teacher at every possible chance. People like smart people. Remember, discuss with a person and be friends with them for a day, prove them wrong, no matter what lengths you must go to, and have a friend for a lifetime. I just made that up. Poetic. I know. Which reminds me, look forward to my next post: How to Write Poetry Good

I don’t know about you, reader, but I can’t wait to try this in my next class!!!  THANK YOU KYLE.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight (Audio)

I'm OBSESSED with this song. Why? I don't know. But since we're sharing life together, I should be honest.  TWO POSTS IN ONE NIGHT. So sorry. It'll never happen again.

The Scooter Race Challenge

Today I watched the most recent episode of "The Office" on Hulu.  For those of you who haven't seen it yet, don't be nervous, I wont give anything away.  But I do want to talk about a quote from Ryan.

"Blogs are out...text messaging is still in"
or something.
Come on Ryan.
I thought we were BFFs.
If we were real friends on fb, I would be defriending you.  right now.

Im telling you (readers) this information to let you know that blogs are SEW INN.  And you should keep reading.  And invite your friends to read.  And read it to your parents.  And invite your parents to invite their friends to read it.

In other news...
1) Humans Vs. Zombies is coming up on the campus of APU.  March 30th.

2) We have a lot to look forward to this weekend.  A post from the super savvy Kyle Greenberg is in formation right now.  The title is a secret.  We also have that super suspenseful Dating Portfolio post to look forward to.  It's also in the works.  Keep checking back for super updates.

3) Something I'm considering is having a Person of the Week.  They'll be picked every Sunday.

This Sunday it's probably going to be Jen Horchler.  Or maybe you.
If you can beat my roomie in a scooter race you will be Sunday's Person of the Week.

Email me every idea for a blog that pops in your head.

PENNY: My Mom's best friend.  jk Mom!...but really.

******N.F. ALERT: Two times. TWICE. Dos tiempo. Through the tools of text messaging and FB...I talked to N.F.!  And he may or may not have told me he missed me.  NICK FANTON IS SO STALKWORTHY!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to Give Tours of APU

It's not an easy job.  In fact, Business Week describes it as: 'The most stressful job in the nation".  But to some, "It's not a job, it's a lifestyle"-anonymous.  What is this job?

...Tour Guiding.

“Tour Guiding At APU”  -By: Alex Bolves

1) If you really want to be a good tour guide then whatcha you need to do is lie about almost everything to make it sound cooler. "This here is trinity hall, a little known fact about trinity hall is that it was built by Vikings who actually settled here long before any westward expansionist movements."

2) Once you've perfected the art of lying, they really seem to like when us tour guides back into something or step in a hole, although it rarely happens it seems to be everyone's favorite part of the tour, so stepping in holes and running into stop signs is probably a really good thing.

3) Oh a must do in order to be a good tour guide is kind of mumble to yourself instead of talking to the group, that always seems to go over well. If you do all this right then at the end of the tour they all leave and you can go home.

4) If you want to be a bad tour guide then you should probably show genuine interest in the people visiting the school. Everyone has their own story, not just the students but the parents too. It's almost kind of like a date, if you will.

5) You need to talk a lot to distribute the information, but, like on a date, ask about them, learn about what they’re passionate about, try to relate to them.

6) Everyone wants a used car salesman for a tour guide so to be a bad tour guide you should try and convey a sense of honesty, and the best way to do that is to actually be honest about everything you say.

7) The more you can include the group into everything you’re doing and saying on the tour the worse off you are. If you do all of this then at the end of the tour they all want to shake your hand and they clap for you and they ask you questions and want to be your friend, being a bad tour guide takes up too much time.

Thank you Alex.  You are so good at what you do!  

Dedicated to Livi, Angie, and Lesley.  Happy Dgroup Anniversary.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ARANDOM POST: The Third Roomie

It's Wednesday folks, and you know what that means:  it's time for Arandom Post.  Now we hope you understand that not every post can be astonishingly funny.  But we do have a lot of upcoming great ones we're postponing to keep you guessing.

It's time for you, yes you, (and you too!) to be introduced to the third roomie...

Once upon a time, there were two roomies, then three, then two.  After this, the two roomies realized:  "Hey, if we can't blame each other for everything that goes wrong in our apartment, who do we blame?"  This is when they met their THIRD ROOMIE.  She always forgot to turn off the lights, she never took out the trash, she was incredibly loud, and she had a crush on the man with the green shorts.  (Talk about uhhhbknoxshuss!)  Then Jenora visited, and the imaginary roomie became, well, not imaginary.  But Jenora was just visiting and eventually, she had to go back home.  Some people thought Alivia was the third roomie.  Other people thought it was Maddy for a day, and then Jon Firman thought it was Fawn for almost our entire friendship.  To fix everyone's confusion, here's the deal: we don't have a third roomie, but we do have a third roomie-hernameisTessandshesleepsinthecave.  But she's not really our third at all.  because we don't have one.  but we do have one. ...or do we?

So now that everyones been introduced I hope everything is 100% clear.  Now you'll know who we're talking about, or not talking about, and there should be no more confusion.

Maybe in a few posts we'll inform you about "the cave", but for now we'll leave that a mystery.

Be joyful today.  Tell Emily Happy Birthday(!!).

UPCOMING:  Tomorrow-->  APU:  On Being a Tour Guide
                         Friday-->  Leern Sumthing Knew: What is a "Dating Portfolio"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Be Like Jen Horchler

Today's post is very !mp0r74n7.
So I've been holding out on you guys in my attempt to perfect it.  
Then I realized OMG (OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!). Everyone. Needs. To. Know. This. TODAY.  Remember the "How to Get a Boyfriend" post by Luke?  He said we have to be like Jen Horchler. So now the question do we do this?

"How to Be Like Jen Horchler" By: Aranda, Maddy, and Alex
1-Make a hobby of getting other people's property stuck on roof tops.
2-Carry a yo-yo.  ALWAYS.
3-Ride a scooter, and say: "SCOOTER ALERT" with siren noises, every time you see other people on them.
4-Drink tea and eat ice cream. At the same time. Do this at 8:30pm.  
5-Put Forks through the garbage disposal
6-Have a Jen-Bun Hairdo
7-Have a different obsession with an activity or object about every 2-3 months
8-Have too many boyfriends you can't even count...or remember their names at times
9-Own a "get a boyfriend" dress that reminds you of a 19th century nanny.
10-Master the "JEN WAVE": stiffin elbow, flex arm muscle, pull back, and let loose the hand. 

"Now go out and get yourself a bf!"

Please practice these things. And when you feel like giving up.  Feel free to call us for motivation.  YOU. CAN. BE. LIKE. JEN. and you will get a boyfriend.

On a totally different subject...tomorrow is Emily's Birthday.  If you don't know her. Pray that you will someday get the chance to meet her.  If you do know her.  Tell all your friends that she's 19, sing happy birthday when you see her, and yell her name as much as possible all over campus.


*****N.F. ALERT:*****  I saw Nick Fanton from across Alosta Street/Road/I don't know what it's called, this afternoon.  I said "Nick!".  He turned around. saw me. and WAVED.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Join the Nick Fanton Fan Club

A long time ago I said "MONDAYS: Will consist of things in life that should encourage/challenge us".

So today I'll tell you what you're getting, before I actually tell you what you're getting...
I encourage you.  No.  I challenge you.  stalk Nick Fanton.

Who is N.F.? 
*Born December 24, 1990, Nick is a stud from Middle Court Bowles who constantly has girls flocking to him.  He's never home because he's always out on dates.  If you're lucky enough to go to chapel with're lucky enough.  His smile changes the world, and his attractive facial hair will make your heart sing.  Speaking of singing.  Music is his major.  Yes, ladies, he. can. sing. and. play. the. guitar.  He's a hugger and a fighter.  If you tell him you're going to go home, but you go visit Luke G. instead...He will find you.  But he very rarely gets mad, unless he feels like you love him just a liiittle too much.  Even then though, he'll let your hopes and dreams down gently with a smile.

Expect Nick Fanton sighting alerts every now and then.  Email me if you want to join the Fan Club.  (Our first official meeting should be soon!  We're working on getting MAS credit and chapel credit involved somehow.)  Readers, maybe some day you'll meet him. and fall in love.  For now, we'll just help you stalk him...  

Triple hugs and such,

*Photos and information used without permission.  If you want to sue.  Please don't.  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Make Friends in the Library Only Using Eye Contact

Today has been a rainy day in Southern California, but with rain comes good ideas, and my roomie and I are full of them.  The post today was inspired.  But the person who inspired it will have to be described in another post. someday. when my roomie marries him. (Just kidding roomie!)

"How to Make A Friend in the Library Using Only Eye Contact"
1) Wear something eye-catching, like a bright pink jumper.
2) Attract them by being the only person at a computer with an open umbrella.
3) This will cause them to look in your direction at which point you squint...just a little.  This says to them: "Do I know you from somewhere?"
4) Then you work the eyebrows.  Think in your head: "I'm famous. I'm popular. I'm famous. I'm popular."  Repeat as many times as it takes for that thought to show on your face.
5) Are they still looking you in the eyes?  Good.  You just made a friend.
6) This last piece of advice comes from the eloquent Luke who you all already know so well:  "You look into the depths of their soul, and allow them to look back into yours".

Have a Happy Sunday!
Go to church for the second time in one day.  I am.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

HOT TOPICS: Rebecca Black

This post is for those of you who might not be familiar with the most recent youtube sensation: Rebecca Black.  You're probably wondering: Where did she come from? Who is she? What makes Friday so important to her?  Our expert writer on all things R.B. comes from the one and only, Tess Bates.


"Rebecca Black is a thirteen year old, "born and raised in Cali." Her hit single, "Friday" has sky rocketed her to the top of the imaginary teenie bopper musical charts. She wakes up at 7am daily, and goes downstairs to get her bowl and cereal. Then she waits at the bus stop for her friends. The biggest decision of her life as of late has been which seat to take? Hopping in the front seat? Or kicking it in the backseat? She doesn't wear her seatbelt in the car, which makes her a terrible role model for children everywhere. She likes to party, party, party a lot. Her parties consist of people driving to the same location and parking in close proximity to one another and standing around. She is always very excited. And Rebecca uses the third person pronoun "we" to talk about herself. She knows the days of the calendar very well. She is quoted to say that Friday is after Thursday. Also, Friday is before Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards. Apparently, she likes to get down on Friday. A lot. Rebecca Black shows the angst of a generation, having to decide which seats they should take, which implies a power and popularity struggle. One of her newer and lesser known hits, "Prom Night" is not up to par with her first single, but with some work and publicity, she may be the next Britney Spears wannabee of our generation."

So now that you know everything about Becca, how do you feel?  Is she your next best friend?  Are you going to ask her to prom?  Maybe someday you can help her decide which seat she should take.

Is it for realzies...
Hugs and more hugs

Friday, March 18, 2011

How to Get a Professor Crush to Notice You

We're still working on the Dating Portfolio post that I promised today. (We= Me and my roomie, for future reference).  Yesterday's ad was a teaser.  So I'm holding you in suspense for the post that is to come.

Todays "How-To" post comes from the ever-fabulous Alivia.  

Livi, please give us five strong pieces of advice.

"How to Get a Professor Crush to Notice You" -Alivia E.
1. Have your friend yell "Get it" every time they see your Professor BF while walking on the walk with you. 
2. Find a friend in his class. Get them to drop your name every time they speak to their professor. For example, "Oh hey Rudy Tudy, nice to see you. BTdub, it was also nice to see my friend Aranda today who is beautiful, smart, funny, and intelligent." Or "Oh hey Proff, how's the weather, IDK whether you know this or not but my friend ARanda is a ray of sunshine in my life. " or "Hey Dan my man, be my friend Jen's man."
3. Stand behind him in line at the Den and smell him. 
4. Wave in his general direction every time you see him but don't look directly at him. Though this leads to confusion - he won't know whether or not you're waving at him - he'll be sure to at least see you. 
5. Or if you want to be really bold: When you see him, don't just stare at him while he's 20 feet away then drop your gaze when he's within 10 feet.  Maintain intense eye contact while he passes by you. Turn around when he passes and walk backwards while maintaining eye contact. Then, yell hello to your "friend" walking behind him. 
6. Spray something nice smelling everytime you walk by him. You will be associated with a nice smell.

Thank you Alivia.  That sixth one was a major bonus.  If anyone has post ideas/questions you want answered/events you want blogged about, message me on facebook.  We'll make sure to include you in the post (if you don't mind).  Don't be shy.  

Hugs and Kisses.
Just kidding, kissing is gross.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Get a Boyfriend

Since I established in my last post that these posts were going to be categorized, it's probably a good idea to break this idea in my very next post.  Maybe I'll fall back on those when I run out of other topics.  The good news is, Luke is an APU student, so I'm kinda sticking with the theme. sorta.

Now you're probably asking yourself, "Who is Luke?", well let me answer that question for you.  Luke is a writer who never updates his blog.  He likes pizza and bagels, House and Scrubs.  He's an English major/Spanish minor, and a very awesome RA in Bowles.  Now that we've established how great he is, I'm sure we can all agree that his advice is worth listening to.

So, according to the expert advice of Luke, how does one get a boyfriend?

"How to Get a Boyfriend" by Luke G.
1) Don't be annoying
2) Don't have a unibrow
3) I don't know
4) Don't talk to them, make them come to you. You're the man.
5) Be like Jen Horchler
6) Go to Disneyland, with or without the boy.  It doesn't really matter.  Disneyland just makes you a better person.
7) Take your vitamins.  You want to be well nutrie-ized.
8) Lastly, cook nothing but cinnamon rolls in your apartment.  It's the most attracting scent to males.

Well there you have it.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's post ------> "How to Build Your Dating Portfolio".

You wont want to miss it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So I've blogged before, but never with a purpose.  I feel so strongly that this is something I want to maintain, and this time I'm going to push myself to really follow through.  Since last year a lot of things have changed and I've definitely learned SO MUCH.  To give you a heads up on what to expect from me, here's the 411:

1. I will be blogging erryDAY. Yep.
2. Post topics are categorized (Profesh right?  That means professional mom.)
3. Occasionally I will have my roomie blog.  She doesn't know this yet.  And she's probably cringing as she reads this.  heheha!
4. My other friends may blog too
5. My residents may blog next year.
6. BasicallyIwontbetheonlyonewhowrites!
7. There will be pictures, so THIS BLOG WONT BE BORING I PROMISE
8. Some of you may be thinking "I don't have the patience to follow blogs; they're so dumb!" But if you dont'll be missing out.  That's my marketing slogan.  Genius right?  I'm working on it still...
9. Here are the categories:

MONDAYS: Will consist of things in life that should encourage/challenge us.
TUESDAYS: Will be focused on books I'm reading "ACCORDING TO..."
WEDNESDAYS: "ARANDOM POST: Personal" These posts will be...well...more about me specifically
THURSDAYS:  "APU: The details" On thursdays I'll be writing about things that make my college unique, and other college-related material.
FRIDAYS:  "LERN SUNTHIN KNEW ERRYDAY: History".  When you read these-you'll learn something new, and I promise it will be interesting
SATURDAY:  I'll be writing about current hot topics, new hobbies you should try, ideas, etc. 
SUNDAY:  "HALLELUJAH".  These will be "Praise-Jesus-God-is-so-good!" things to think about.

I hope you are as excited as I am.
Lets share life together.
