Monday, November 21, 2011

Arandom Post: Thankfulness

Sidetracking from the usual(WEIRD), random(STRUCTURED), scattered(CLEAR) posts, I'd just really like to say how thankful I am.  I'm thankful for my family.  I'm thankful for Jen Horchler (seriously Roomie, you're the best), and I'm extremely thankful for this hall called Fourth North that I'm blessed to live on.  I can't imagine my junior year of college revolving around anything else other than spending time with these lovely ladies God has put in my life.

I'm thankful to you, readers, for being so funny and understanding.  Thanks for approaching me and reminding me about this blog and it's purpose.  Thanks for being a part of every crazy adventure Jen and I go on.  WE SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU.  All of you.  

Thanks Nick and Jon for letting us mess with you all the time.  You guys are so great.  (We haven't posted about our date night yet, have we? Shoot...I'm blaming Jen).  Here's a sneak-peak:


We'll talk again soon, mmk?
Love Aranda

Friday, November 11, 2011

How to: Trix People into Being Your Friend

So this past week Jen sat on Cougar Walk and grabbed some statistics from people walking to and from class/eating/leaving chapel.  She asked the question:  "How do I trick people into being my friend?"  An overwhelming number of people responded.  31% of the people had bad answers that we kinda agreed with.  17% of the people tried to impress her with magic tricks. 45% of the people asked her for directions.  And 15% of the people had really unrelevant answers that we didn't understand at all.

So we ignored the evidence and came up with our own answers:

"How to Trix People into Being Your Friend"
By: Aranda and Jen

9#-Learn their class schedule and sign up for at least 50% of those same classes.
6#-Send them a request on FB and then email them later saying you were hacked.  
4#-Buy something that you already know they own, then when you see them around you can say "Oh my gosh! I have a Cars backpack too!  WE'RE TWINS!"  They'll take it as a sign that you two were meant to be besties.
3#-Don't mess with their hair, or go in for a hug too soon in the relationship. If you do, they'll associate you with the word 'creepy' instead of 'friendly'.
5#-When meeting someone new, make sure you only talk about yourself. Dirty looks/smirks are a good sign. pr0m!$3.
8#-Make them presents they don't know they want. (example-"Here's one knitted sock Livi.")  They'll never forget you, and maybe someday they'll return the favor.
2#- Practice doing hand-stands.  People will want to be associated with you in social settings if you have a special talent/skill.
7#-Don't have an offensive personality.  People don't like being offended.
1#-Make a list of nice words/compliments and when you're introduced to someone new, refer to it.  People love compliments.  Make sure you read the list to them genuinely.  
10#-Practice having a DTR (Define the Relationship-the shift from stalker to friend) every now and then, in front of a mirror.  That way when the time comes where you finally meet a potential friend, you wont be nervous.  This is also where you make sure random facts you learned about them through facebook don't come up in conversation.  

Now go out and trick some craziez!
<3 Y0uR B3$7!3Z

*(Looking for a date? Don't forget to refer to this valuable post.)
**(Want to read our most popular posts?  Look here and here.)
***(Want to guest post? Email us here.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to: Start Blogging Again

Mmmm...well it's been a long time since the last time we blogged.  Why you ask?  Okay we'll tell you...Are you sure you want to have a DTR right now though?  How about we just pretend like nothing ever happened.  We'll pretend like we never broke your heart.  We'll pretend that we didn't neglect/cheat on you.  And we'll also pretend like we never said "It's not you, it's me"...because it obviously wasn't me...

We're blogging right now because tomorrow is a very big day.  Tomorrow is THE day.  The day you've all been waiting for:

Jen and Aranda asked Jon Firman and Nick Fanton out.
We have dates with APU celebrities.

For those of you who haven't joined the 'Joy.Catch it.' blog phenomenon yet, check these links out:
Jon Firman   &    Nick Fanton

Do we have a plan for tomorrow?  You bet we do.  And if everything goes well we'll blog about it ASAP.
Here's how we asked them btw.

Enough about us!  What's new with you??

More about us!  CHECK THIS OUT.  This is why we are r00m!3z::::
Homecoming 2010

Homecoming 2011


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fourth North of Courth GYRAD 2011

Rules for the Night:

-Have some healthy competition with one another.
-Look both ways when crossing the street.
-It's up to you to make sure this is a night you'll remember for the rest of your lives.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


It's Sunday folks.

and you know what that means.

You've probably been wondering:  "Why don't Aranda and Jen give us some valuable information?"  and  "Why do they just keep telling us nothing?"

We're sorry.  We've been setting the stage for an awesome year.  The good news is, the stage is set.  This year you're going to learn "why cats are the best" (omg! kittenz! awww!),  Parter and Caige sitings (We changed their names to maintain privacy laws), "How Did Justin's Furniture Get Here?", "How to Get a Boyfriend...Again", and "How to Survive When Your Campus Crush Moves to Indi-freakin-ana".  Are you excited? We are.

Here's some random news:



Saturday, September 24, 2011


So Joy. Catch it. has had a bit of an identity crisis...

We're working on figure out what our new obsessions are going to be this year.  Here's why:

1-We don't live by Jon Firman and Nick Fanton anymore.
4-Luke is in Spain.
5,6,7,8,9-This picture is great:

#10-We could obsess over how cute Carter P. and Paige Whitmore are:

11-or how awesome the stools in Justin Blomgren's apartment are:

12, 13, 14-Or we could talk about how much we love our residents:

15-You'll for sure be hearing about our recent Thrift Store finds.
16-And soon we'll have some spectacular Guest Posts.

The good news is, our turtlenecks still fit us, and our residents are always down for a good day of scootering and wearing fannypacks.

What should we do readers?  We want to hear from you.  wink wink. smilie face.

Love yor bestyz, uhranduh and gin

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Guest Post: Brea

Brea is one of our lovely residents here in Fourth North.  We are so honored to have her guest post here on 'Joy. Catch it.' blog!!  BREA WE LOVE YOU!
Gin. Jerrica. Brea. Allison.

Oh Em Geeee. All you readers should know that I am SUPER FLIPPIN excited to write on this blog. Like, this is a BIG honor. Like, this is a dream come true. Like, it may have potentially been on my bucket list. jk. but for realzz. it really was.
Okay. My blog post today is going to be *drumroll* ...

3 reasons why I love Aranda and Jen (because I like lists, the number three and Aranda and Jen):

Reason #1
: They openly embrace and accept facebook stalkers. maybe because they are ones themselves. This reason comes with a story that I feel the need to share. Storytime!!
...this summer when I found out Aranda was going to be my RA, I looked her up on fb (because that's what you do when you find out someone is going to be your RA...naturally). And then I found out she had a blog and freaked out a little because I totes love people who have blogs. So I did what every blog/fb stalker would do. I read every post like three times and bookmarked the page so I could read it daily. Everything was fine until I started school and met Aranda. I didn't know what to say. I mean I couldn't say: "ohemgee!IloveyourblogandIreaditeverydaythissummerandIknowabouthowyourfromAlaskaandyouworkedasabaristaandyouhavea"pastorcrush"onyourpastorandyouwouldratherwearjeansthanshorts"
That would be weird.
So, instead I said "Hi, I haven't met you yet. My name's Brea."
I figured I should appear normal, at least for the first impression. Over time though, I felt comfortable enough around them to let my secret out. So I told them: "I kinda stalked your blog everyday this summer" and instead of being shunned I was embraced and accepted.
It was a big moment for me.
The end.
Moving on...

Reason #2
: Aranda is from Alaska. I am from Alaska. Alaska is awesome. People from Alaska are awesome. Friends of people from Alaska are awesome. 'nough said. okay? okay.

Reason #3:
They are hawt. And they always have guys who wear plaid in their rooms. AND you know how they attract guys?? By riding scooters, dressing in weird costumes and wearing fanny packs. Am I jealous? Yes. Yes I am jealous. They are SO cool. No lie. If you don't know their friends.
And those are the three reasons why I love Aranda and Jen. They're pretty cool. And they're my RA's. No big deal or anything.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello Fourth North

Oh Hey,

We almost didn't see you there.

Today we received a lovely, wonderful, FANTASTIC post from our very own Brea, but it is too good to share right now.  So we're saving it.  For tomorrow.

Right now I'd like to share some photos of last nights themed dinner.  What was the theme?  "Retirement Home" of course...

Friday, September 9, 2011

An Announcement from The Scooter

Hello Readers and especially Brea,

My name is Jen's scooter, and today I got new wheels from Kristina.  Not just any wheels. LIGHT UP WHEELS.  I'm super excited to put them on and try them out.  I can't wait to get a ridiculous amount of attention.  When all the other scooters on campus see me, they're gonna want to be me.  Yep.  Ilookthatgood.

Maybe I'll see you around.  Maybe you'll see me around.  Maybe we can all go on a search for Jon Firman together tomorrow night?

Sounds good to me.
Scoot Scoot

Thursday, September 8, 2011

GUEST POST: Allison T.

Dear Everyone,

Being an RA and RAR has been so great so far.  We gave Allison (one of our residents) permission to write whatever she wanted, and without even giving her suggestions, she completely came up with this post all on her own.  Prepare to meet one of the many girls from Fourth North (of courth).  We know you'll love her...

Word from A Resident:

Being in college can be a really scary thing sometimes. That’s why it’s super important you have an awesome RA like the ones on 4th North. Aranda and Jen’s door is always open for prayer. And they’re so nice, we don’t even get mad when they tell us not to break the rules. Actually we never break the rules because we love and respect them so much, we just can’t help but listen to their words of wisdom. At nights, some girls get really home sick and sad, but that’s when Aranda comes in to tuck us in, and Jen reads us bedtime stories. They even take requests for lullabies, if you want one. Which of course you do cause they have voices like angels and do interpretive dances too! All around, Aranda and Jen are the best RAs you could possibly have. Living on their floor is like a sunny day with a light breeze, warm and caring, but still so cool. 

-Allison T.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's True...We're Back.

Hello All You Everyones,

Well, most of you have noticed that we basically took the summer off from blogging.  We’ve been receiving a lot of emails, like, “When are you going to start blogging again?”,  “When can I start submitting my guest posts?” and “How can I tease my hair so I can be just like Jen Horchler?”  The answer to all of these questions is yes.

 We hope you aren’t too frustrated or bothered that we took such a long break.  But guess what today is?  The beginning.  The beginning of another school year.  The beginning of a new, exciting season of blogging.  Wii our sew glad yew desidedid two joyn uz on this adventur.

A few things to inform you of:
-We are still obsessed with Nick Fanton and Jon Firman.
-Luke G. is studying abroad in Spain.  But he’ll be back in the spring!  WE MISS YOU LUKE.
-We are now living in freshman dorms, and we have the awesome addition of 43 girls to our lives.  (Fourth North! We are so blessed to be your RA and RAR!)
-Sport the Escort has already been introduced.  We will talk about him often.

A few things to not inform you of:
-Everything from our apartment fit into our dorm room.
-Our ability to match has grown by a bunch of VERY attractive outfits.  (Think bright pink exercise tanks, Christmas sweaters, etc.)
-We discussed what we want out of the blog this year, and we decided that we’re definitely going to push stalking.  And by stalking, we mean, Christmas stockings.  So go out and by them early this year!!

It's good to be back.
We've missed you.

Love Aranda&Jen
 We take our job-of making everything about life clear-VERY seriously. You will not be disappointed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


("Hi Friends" in Chinese... In honor of Aranda).

Today's blog topic is about my 1994 Ford Escort... 
A car full of character and life. 

"Look at my engine and new light. I am so good-looking"- Sport. 

There are many wonderful qualities that we would like to highlight...
  • Automatic seat belts. Yes, I said it. 
  • Dice on the license plate. 
  • Have to roll down the windows. 
  • Deteriorating fabric inside. 
  • The passenger door doesn't work.
  • Can get all the way up to 50 MPH. Big forkin' deal right?!
  • Seats fold down... (Perfect for a picnic or drive-in movie)
  • Speakers choose when they want to work.
  • No air conditioning!
  • This list can go on and on... But we'll just stop here so no one gets too jealous. 

My brother got in a little accident a couple of months back so my Dad and I have been fixing it up the past week because I'M TAKING HIM TO APU. (I know all of you APU-ians are SO excited!!!) We are almost done... WE JUST HAVE TO GET IT PAINTED. Guess what color? TURQUOISE. You're right!!! We'll keep you updated.

Sport is so sad:(  
Just hanging out at the junkyard. Got ourselves a new fender from Sport's brother! 

Wii r sew prowd.

Anyways, Aranda is still in China so keep her in your prayers. ALSO. She wants everyone to write on her Facebook so she has hundreds of notifications when she gets home. 

We <3 You,
Jen and Aranda.

P.S. Nick Fanton wrote on Aranda's wall. We miss/love you Nick. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

R3un!73d!!!!!!! (Reunited)

Hey Everyone Hey,

Hello. We just wanted to say hi.

We're together again (for one day) here in sunny California.  What are we doing?  I'm sew glad yew asked.

Well I showed up to Jen's casa and we excitedly jumped around for a good second.  Then we put on our swimsuits and layed out by the pool, because Aranda is white we wanted to.  After catching some rays we went to Target and Norstrom Rack.  Unfortunately I didn't buy anything.  Jen however found a sweet sun-hat.

I think that's all we can think of right now. 

Advice of the day:
Get a car with an automatic seatbealt. 1994 Ford Escort=PERFECT.  Wear bellbottoms.  And get a Cap-Sac. Don't throw your Turtle Necks away. and keep fillin those fannies.  

Aranda and Jen

"See ya later. Bye."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Aranda is still in Alaska

So by now you're probably, seriously wondering: "What happened to Jen and Aranda?"  and "Why didn't they tell us more about Alaska?"

First of all, we apologize.
Secondly of all, we still love our followers. (even if our parents are the only ones who read this now.)
Thirdly, Jen had the time of her life up here, and we have a short video blog (that I'll be working on and posting soon), which explains the cool things we did.
Fourthly,  IM A BARISTA.  I can make coffee now.  It's a dream come true, and hopefully someday I'll own my own coffee shop.  I only have two more shifts left :( one of which starts in an hour and a half.
Fifthst, I leave Alaska saturday morning, for California.  Then I leave for China Monday night.  Time has flown by way too fast. I don't want to do homework!
Sixers, I haven't read one single book since I've been home.  BEST.SUMMER.EVER.
Sevenst, the best thing about being in Alaska is that it's SO beautiful outside, and the beach is clean, and I get to eat fresh fish everyday, and my family has farm fresh eggs, and I get free coffee, and the people are wonderful, and my dog brooklyn wrestles with me, and the sun shines forever, and I'm never forced to wear shorts (I HATE shorts.  Jeans=favorite).  Alaska, I miss you already.  JEN I GET TO SEE YOU ON SUNDAY!  WOOHOO, ROOMIE!

Here are some pictures of me training my stupid delightful, chocolate lab.
She's such a good listener

Aw Brooklyn.  You're such a chunk, and I love you.
Aranda and Jen

Jon and Nick we will write you on Sunday.  Wii our sew lookeng fourwird two it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


We love you Dad!!!

Uhranduh's Phamilee.

Genn's Phamilee. 

Jen and Aranda.

Saturday, June 18, 2011



We've missed you so much. Remember that one time we told you we'd tell you all about Alaska? Yeah we remember too. But we've been so busy. Let's just say the best word to describe it was... ADVENTURE. Maybe someday we'll tell you about it.

We've both been working. Aranda works at Captain's Coffee. (She makes the best Vanilla Lattes). She's so happy there and loves every minute of her job. I'm lifeguarding and teaching swim lessons. Woohoo! ARANDA LEAVES FOR CHINA IN 9 DAYS. Keep her in your prayers!


Jen and Aranda.


P.S. We love and miss you Nick Fanton.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cleaning the Boat


In order to blog about fishing, we first have to blog about what happens AFTER fishing.  After fishing, there's this party that goes on where two lucky people get to scrub scrub scrub.  We. Were. Those. People.

"No I'll open the soap"


We had fun.  LOTS.
Maybe someday you'll be as lucky to clean as we were.

We love boats,
Aranda & Jen

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jen's Last Day in Alaska.

[A really cool picture goes here]


Today is my last day in Alaska. My flight leaves at 10:20pm tonight and I will be back in LA tomorrow morning. I will miss this place with all of my heart. (Not to mention my Roomie, Alivia, Brittani and all of the other wonderful people I met here). This has been the best month of my life... We will tell you about our adventures very soon.

Don't worry. We haven't forgotten about you.
We love you all.

Preview for the next blog: WE SAW A BEAR. Yup. That's only one part of our many adventures hurrr. 

Toodlez and lots of love.
Jen and Aranda

P.S. HI MOM AND DAD! I will see you soon!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


We are still alive.

Love Jen and Aranda

We still love you....
we are busy doing Alaskan things, such as not being on the computer.

wii will tiil yew abowt it soon, mk?

Friday, May 27, 2011

GUEST(s) POST: Drew and Jordan Edwards

Okay, sooo...sorry again.

But TRUST ME. I haven't been neglecting this for two days because I wanted to.  I've literally spent all of five minutes on my laptop since Tuesday.

Jen and I have so many stories to share with you it's ridiculous!  But before we do that (VIDEOblog), we have a guest post from two unfamiliar (but soon to be, familiar) writers.

I was told by them beforehand that I "might want to preface this in such a way as to distance [myself] from [them] in case of any cyber-riot that might occur as a direct result of this post."  But I will definitely not distance myself from these two geniuses. 

Prepare to be entertained America.


"How to Not Die" By: Drew and Jordan E.

A casual (yet friendly) hello to all of you. 
If you were to look back a few days ago in this esteemed blog’s entries, you would find a mention of “family friends” that Aranda stayed with for her first few days in the incomparable 49th state. We (my brother and I) are 40 percent of those friends. 

While on a routine boat expedition into the nooks and coves of Seward’s Resurrection bay, Aranda graciously accepted (after a few hours of attempted bribery with coffee) to allow us to guest-write in her already critically acclaimed and famous online journal. We would like to take this time to formally thank her (ANYtime) (and apologize beforehand) for giving us this opportunity.

But now that we’ve got my foot in the door, we face a fairly daunting roadblock: What to write about? 

Thanks to a well thought out suggestion by our mutual and best friend, Aranda, we came to the conclusion on what to monologue about. This topic is near and dear to a good many of humans hearts, and well it should be. The object of this post is: Not Dying.

Let us be honest, we are subject matter experts on the art of not dying. Part of our resume’ is the fact that we’re still alive. This coupled with the number of times that we have nearly compromised this mission allows us unique insights that only come from nearly failing.
Interesting fact: during the previous paragraph, I (older brother) accidentally impacted my head on the ceiling with enough force to cause photographs in the adjacent areas of the house to fall off of shelves. This, I believe, allows for even more authority on the subject we are discussing. If not, then it’s just a fun little side note that will be included in the “Making of” DVD.

This complex art of Survival cannot be mastered through mere guesswork and trial and error, though both of these may be used copiously throughout, and only in the proper context. Rules must be followed in order to Stay Alive.
The first is simple. Keep foreign objects of mass out of your outer and inner sanctum (do not confuse with rectum, though foreign objects should stay clear of that as well).

A quick glance at the terms used in rule number one: Outer Sanctum- The protective layer of organic fabric that keeps all of the Inner Sanctum in place and away from public observation. This layer is also referred to as “epidermis”, “Skin”, and in some subcultures: “Tattoo Canvas”. Inner Sanctum- The stuff that makes your Combined Sanctum continue to tick. Things such as heart, kidneys, yesterday’s cornmeal, and in some rare cases, swim bladders make up the Inner Sanctum.

So in theory, keeping objects from disrupting either sanctum is one of the key components of Staying Alive. Predictably, we will now move on to step Number Two.

Continue Respiration at all times. This may come as a bit of a newsflash to some, and to others it may be painfully obvious, but we feel that this piece is fairly underrated. This rule has a few sub-rules that should be adhered to for best results.

Regular breathing. This can be achieved through the intake of oxygen into the lungs and then swapping that for the carbon dioxide and other harmful gases that chill inside your body. One should be careful, almost picky, about which gases that are taken in, as some are not as effective at maintaining a living state than others. E.G. Chlorine gas or paint fumes are poor choices.

Exception: Liquid environment. It is highly inadvisable to attempt to continue respiration in the event that one is in a situation that involves large amounts of liquid and very few gills. The human body does not like to inhale liquid, and will sometime go on strike if too much liquid is brought into the Inner Sanctum. The strikes may become violent if the liquid levels are critical, and the revolts will eventually bring about a state of chaos which will ultimately lead to unionizing, followed VERY shortly by a ceasing of living.
It should be noted that this goes for ALL liquids, ranging from dihydrogen monoxide (A.k.a. Water, A.k.a Agua) all the way to Acid of any type. These all produce negative results in the way of breathing, except liquid oxygen. The only problem with liquid oxygen is that its temperature is usually pretty close to -368.77 degrees Farenheit, which means that you’ll have bigger problems when trying to ingest it.

Moving on. There are many different specific examples on how not to die, such as resisting the urge to lob throwing darts at Highland Gorillas while in their enclosure at the zoo, or not eating live coals on a dare. There is potential need for thousands of specific step-by-step rules in order to cover all of the proverbial bases in this game of Not-Dying, but if one follows the essentials provided here and then applies a small dose of common sense, the chances of living past 35 increase by about 18 percent.

Both of us brothers would like to thank you for your patience, time, and patience during this whole ordeal. We hope that you are slightly more confident in yourselves and in the validity of this blog because of this post. Please continue to hold Aranda and this mysterious “Jen” (whom we have never met) in the highest respect.  

Thank you, and God bless.
Drew and Jordan Edwards

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In order to maintain the excellent structure we're known for, we decided to bring some new categories to "Joy. Catch it."

Here they are:
1) Alaskans thrive on story telling, so when we're not blogging about our current adventures, we're going to blog about our past ones.
2) Specific Alaskan topics. (dogsledding, northern lights, igloos, etc.) You'll learn all you could ever want to and more.
3) We're going to bring back the Person of the Week.
4) VideoBlog. We will do this once a week so you don't forget how our voices sound.
5) What kind of blogger would I be if I didn't keep writing ARANDOM POSTS?
6) Guest Bloggers.  Once a week. BE ONE.
7) And lastly, since Nick Fanton, Jon Firman, and Luke Gutierrez are no longer a part of our everyday lives, we're going to find new people to obsess over.  Until then, I will have a day dedicated solely to my dad's chickens and what they are doing with their lives.

Have a great Tuesday!
Love Aranda

Monday, May 23, 2011



Remember that one time I said:  "We are so excited to come back next year. And yes, we will keep posting everyday.  So keep being our friends.  Keep following the blog.  And keep laughing with us. or at us.  or at Jen."  Remember how right after I said that, I stopped being a consistent writer?

I'm so sorry.  I have been extremely unfaithful to you.  You're probably thinking our friendship is one-sided, so from this point on I'm going to work harder.

But until you decide to forgive me, do you want to hear all of my excuses?
"Yes Aranda, there's nothing on this planet that would bring us greater joy."

Since you insisted, I'll tell you specific and not-at-all vague facts...

1.  I had to unpack.
2.  I've been busy okay?
3.  Summer=Lazy
4.  I just want to watch movies all the time. and read. and visit my grandpa.
5.  I've been doing homework. ("Why?"  HINT: This one may or may not be a lie)
6.  I've been trying to get a JOB.
7.  I haven't been taking pictures, and who wants to read a blog without pictures?

So there you have it.  I probably have more excuses, but I'll just add them to the blog later.

I hope you still feel loved,
Love Aranda

Quote of the day:
There I was, talking to my mom:
"If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't have a personality.  I would rather have a personality than intellectualized parents."

UPDATES: We still haven't found boyfriends. I think some NEW (summer) categories are in order.  AND I'LL BLOG EVERYDAY AGAIN.  Because this every-other-day-idea was a very bad one.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

City Post: SEWARD, Alaska

It was a cloudy, rainy day, but that didn't take away from the AMAZING beauty of this place.  After taking a two hour-ish drive to Seward, we took a five hour cruise on Resurrection Bay, and saw everything the Kenai Fjords National Park has to offer.  Well kinda.  Everything you can see from a boat at least.

[Random Topic Transition Time]
I think binoculars are going to be my newest summer obsession, next to bird watching! Come to think of it, I'll need binoculars to better bird watch!  Being a tourist is SEW PHUN. ohemgee.

Here are some pics.  Because I know you peeps love pictures. 

Before we left Seward.

I. Love. Alaska.

Adorable.  I'll probably do a post just about her, soon.

When you're this cute, you don't have to look at the camera. We are basically sisters.

This is where all the invisible tourists sit.
They had good food on this cruise.  Keep that in mind, all you future Alaskan Tourists.

There's a whale in this picture.  I promise.

"Come to Seward!" 
Where we checked-in for our cruise.

There's like, fifty bears fighting otters on that mountain.

 Isn't the color of the water awesome?
Have a great day everyone!
I'm going camping tonight. I haven't gone camping in forever.  I'm sure I'll let you know how it goes.

Love, Aranda