Saturday, April 23, 2011

How To Write Poetry Good Part 2

I've had this post hiding for a while, but it's dying to be let out into the world.  Kyle Greenberg...WOW...Thank you for being so creative, and for sharing your intellectualness with us.

 How to Write Poetry Good (Part 2)
By:  Kyle Greenberg

So I have heard complaints about my last batch of poetry tips. I’ve heard that they have worked too well; People are getting perilously close to winning dates with the objects of their obsession their individuals of intrigue. So why the complaints? – It is simple, they need new tricks. These potential dates are now use to the old tactics, and the people want new ideas on ways to creep out impress their desired loved ones. As I always say, give the people what they want. So, without further a due, How to Write Poetry Good #2:

Use literary devices: Metaphors, cerulean apologies, similes, personification, dehumanization, fragmental triades, litotes, hyperbole, caesuras, hyper-endies, and the list goes on (but that’s all I know…and I might have made some of them up). The frequent use of these devices screams that you are intellicated (a blend of intelligent and educated…also a word I made up…copy write pending). Also, if you somehow manage to use one correctly it will earn you even more points. But don’t worry, volume over accuracy here.

Create really mysterious titles: This is a good time to blend the advice from my last article about using awesome color names. For example, cerulean apologies (one of the fabricated literary devices from above).  But seriously, chances are, the person you are trying to attract with these poems has many gentlemen or gentlewomen suitors. You think they have time to read 100’s of poems a day? And trust me, most girls get at least that many e’ryday. I alone probably contribute at least half. Ok, I contribute most, if not all. But this fact necessitates that each poem has a really mysterious, intriguing, and often times confusing title.

Get creative! I’m not really sure how, but I hear it helps.

You are competing against me, so going that little extra step is absolutely necessary. Whether that means you write each line of the poem on a different petal of a beautiful rose, or you record yourself reciting your poems, slip into his or her room, place a pair of headphones on their ears, and then begin a month long process of conditioning a positive disposition towards your poem, every little bit helps. Though I don’t really suggest the latter, it can lead to some complicated legal issues.

Finally, just write from your heart. When it is a hard day, write. Write about what hurts. Write about why you are frustrated. When it is a great day, write about the beautiful things you see in life. Be vulnerable, put a little bit of yourself in each poem. No poetic tip will help you trick someone into feelings for you (or will it?). 

For this reason, your poetry needs to be for you first (or your mom). Write because you need to. Write because you need to create. Write because, as images of God, we are made to create. And that is what poetry is after, poetry is invention. Creation. When we write, we give life to a new and completely unique reality. We create a little self-contained system. The interplay between words, emotions, and ideas creates a world with its own unique rules, laws, patterns, and beauty………I’m just kidding! Oh my gosh, I totally bet you believed all of that.  Everyone knows poetry is just a random set of words thrown together and manipulated for the purpose of scoring a hot date with that cute girl from SOC: 310. Or that fly cat from COMM: 536. (!!!!)  

Remember that. 

There you have it!
Have a great Saturday everyone,
Love Your BFFs

P.S.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANI!!!!!!!!  We love you!

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