So this past week Jen sat on Cougar Walk and grabbed some statistics from people walking to and from class/eating/leaving chapel. She asked the question: "How do I trick people into being my friend?" An overwhelming number of people responded. 31% of the people had bad answers that we kinda agreed with. 17% of the people tried to impress her with magic tricks. 45% of the people asked her for directions. And 15% of the people had really unrelevant answers that we didn't understand at all.
So we ignored the evidence and came up with our own answers:
"How to Trix People into Being Your Friend"
By: Aranda and Jen
9#-Learn their class schedule and sign up for at least 50% of those same classes.
6#-Send them a request on FB and then email them later saying you were hacked.
4#-Buy something that you already know they own, then when you see them around you can say "Oh my gosh! I have a Cars backpack too! WE'RE TWINS!" They'll take it as a sign that you two were meant to be besties.
3#-Don't mess with their hair, or go in for a hug too soon in the relationship. If you do, they'll associate you with the word 'creepy' instead of 'friendly'.
5#-When meeting someone new, make sure you only talk about yourself. Dirty looks/smirks are a good sign. pr0m!$3.
8#-Make them presents they don't know they want. (example-"Here's one knitted sock Livi.") They'll never forget you, and maybe someday they'll return the favor.
2#- Practice doing hand-stands. People will want to be associated with you in social settings if you have a special talent/skill.
7#-Don't have an offensive personality. People don't like being offended.
1#-Make a list of nice words/compliments and when you're introduced to someone new, refer to it. People love compliments. Make sure you read the list to them genuinely.
10#-Practice having a DTR (Define the Relationship-the shift from stalker to friend) every now and then, in front of a mirror. That way when the time comes where you finally meet a potential friend, you wont be nervous. This is also where you make sure random facts you learned about them through facebook don't come up in conversation.
Now go out and trick some craziez!
<3 Y0uR B3$7!3Z
*(Looking for a date? Don't forget to refer to
this valuable post.)
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