Gin. Jerrica. Brea. Allison. |
Oh Em Geeee. All you readers should know that I am SUPER FLIPPIN excited to write on this blog. Like, this is a BIG honor. Like, this is a dream come true. Like, it may have potentially been on my bucket list. jk. but for realzz. it really was.
Okay. My blog post today is going to be *drumroll* ...
3 reasons why I love Aranda and Jen (because I like lists, the number three and Aranda and Jen):
Reason #1
: They openly embrace and accept facebook stalkers. maybe because they are ones themselves. This reason comes with a story that I feel the need to share. Storytime!!
...this summer when I found out Aranda was going to be my RA, I looked her up on fb (because that's what you do when you find out someone is going to be your RA...naturally). And then I found out she had a blog and freaked out a little because I totes love people who have blogs. So I did what every blog/fb stalker would do. I read every post like three times and bookmarked the page so I could read it daily. Everything was fine until I started school and met Aranda. I didn't know what to say. I mean I couldn't say: "ohemgee!IloveyourblogandIreaditeverydaythissummerandIknowabouthowyourfromAlaskaandyouworkedasabaristaandyouhavea"pastorcrush"onyourpastorandyouwouldratherwearjeansthanshorts"
That would be weird.
So, instead I said "Hi, I haven't met you yet. My name's Brea."
I figured I should appear normal, at least for the first impression. Over time though, I felt comfortable enough around them to let my secret out. So I told them: "I kinda stalked your blog everyday this summer" and instead of being shunned I was embraced and accepted.
It was a big moment for me.
The end.
Moving on...
Reason #2
: Aranda is from Alaska. I am from Alaska. Alaska is awesome. People from Alaska are awesome. Friends of people from Alaska are awesome. 'nough said. okay? okay.
Reason #3:
They are hawt. And they always have guys who wear plaid in their rooms. AND you know how they attract guys?? By riding scooters, dressing in weird costumes and wearing fanny packs. Am I jealous? Yes. Yes I am jealous. They are SO cool. No lie. If you don't know their friends.
And those are the three reasons why I love Aranda and Jen. They're pretty cool. And they're my RA's. No big deal or anything.
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