Sunday, September 25, 2011


It's Sunday folks.

and you know what that means.

You've probably been wondering:  "Why don't Aranda and Jen give us some valuable information?"  and  "Why do they just keep telling us nothing?"

We're sorry.  We've been setting the stage for an awesome year.  The good news is, the stage is set.  This year you're going to learn "why cats are the best" (omg! kittenz! awww!),  Parter and Caige sitings (We changed their names to maintain privacy laws), "How Did Justin's Furniture Get Here?", "How to Get a Boyfriend...Again", and "How to Survive When Your Campus Crush Moves to Indi-freakin-ana".  Are you excited? We are.

Here's some random news:



Saturday, September 24, 2011


So Joy. Catch it. has had a bit of an identity crisis...

We're working on figure out what our new obsessions are going to be this year.  Here's why:

1-We don't live by Jon Firman and Nick Fanton anymore.
4-Luke is in Spain.
5,6,7,8,9-This picture is great:

#10-We could obsess over how cute Carter P. and Paige Whitmore are:

11-or how awesome the stools in Justin Blomgren's apartment are:

12, 13, 14-Or we could talk about how much we love our residents:

15-You'll for sure be hearing about our recent Thrift Store finds.
16-And soon we'll have some spectacular Guest Posts.

The good news is, our turtlenecks still fit us, and our residents are always down for a good day of scootering and wearing fannypacks.

What should we do readers?  We want to hear from you.  wink wink. smilie face.

Love yor bestyz, uhranduh and gin

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Guest Post: Brea

Brea is one of our lovely residents here in Fourth North.  We are so honored to have her guest post here on 'Joy. Catch it.' blog!!  BREA WE LOVE YOU!
Gin. Jerrica. Brea. Allison.

Oh Em Geeee. All you readers should know that I am SUPER FLIPPIN excited to write on this blog. Like, this is a BIG honor. Like, this is a dream come true. Like, it may have potentially been on my bucket list. jk. but for realzz. it really was.
Okay. My blog post today is going to be *drumroll* ...

3 reasons why I love Aranda and Jen (because I like lists, the number three and Aranda and Jen):

Reason #1
: They openly embrace and accept facebook stalkers. maybe because they are ones themselves. This reason comes with a story that I feel the need to share. Storytime!!
...this summer when I found out Aranda was going to be my RA, I looked her up on fb (because that's what you do when you find out someone is going to be your RA...naturally). And then I found out she had a blog and freaked out a little because I totes love people who have blogs. So I did what every blog/fb stalker would do. I read every post like three times and bookmarked the page so I could read it daily. Everything was fine until I started school and met Aranda. I didn't know what to say. I mean I couldn't say: "ohemgee!IloveyourblogandIreaditeverydaythissummerandIknowabouthowyourfromAlaskaandyouworkedasabaristaandyouhavea"pastorcrush"onyourpastorandyouwouldratherwearjeansthanshorts"
That would be weird.
So, instead I said "Hi, I haven't met you yet. My name's Brea."
I figured I should appear normal, at least for the first impression. Over time though, I felt comfortable enough around them to let my secret out. So I told them: "I kinda stalked your blog everyday this summer" and instead of being shunned I was embraced and accepted.
It was a big moment for me.
The end.
Moving on...

Reason #2
: Aranda is from Alaska. I am from Alaska. Alaska is awesome. People from Alaska are awesome. Friends of people from Alaska are awesome. 'nough said. okay? okay.

Reason #3:
They are hawt. And they always have guys who wear plaid in their rooms. AND you know how they attract guys?? By riding scooters, dressing in weird costumes and wearing fanny packs. Am I jealous? Yes. Yes I am jealous. They are SO cool. No lie. If you don't know their friends.
And those are the three reasons why I love Aranda and Jen. They're pretty cool. And they're my RA's. No big deal or anything.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello Fourth North

Oh Hey,

We almost didn't see you there.

Today we received a lovely, wonderful, FANTASTIC post from our very own Brea, but it is too good to share right now.  So we're saving it.  For tomorrow.

Right now I'd like to share some photos of last nights themed dinner.  What was the theme?  "Retirement Home" of course...

Friday, September 9, 2011

An Announcement from The Scooter

Hello Readers and especially Brea,

My name is Jen's scooter, and today I got new wheels from Kristina.  Not just any wheels. LIGHT UP WHEELS.  I'm super excited to put them on and try them out.  I can't wait to get a ridiculous amount of attention.  When all the other scooters on campus see me, they're gonna want to be me.  Yep.  Ilookthatgood.

Maybe I'll see you around.  Maybe you'll see me around.  Maybe we can all go on a search for Jon Firman together tomorrow night?

Sounds good to me.
Scoot Scoot

Thursday, September 8, 2011

GUEST POST: Allison T.

Dear Everyone,

Being an RA and RAR has been so great so far.  We gave Allison (one of our residents) permission to write whatever she wanted, and without even giving her suggestions, she completely came up with this post all on her own.  Prepare to meet one of the many girls from Fourth North (of courth).  We know you'll love her...

Word from A Resident:

Being in college can be a really scary thing sometimes. That’s why it’s super important you have an awesome RA like the ones on 4th North. Aranda and Jen’s door is always open for prayer. And they’re so nice, we don’t even get mad when they tell us not to break the rules. Actually we never break the rules because we love and respect them so much, we just can’t help but listen to their words of wisdom. At nights, some girls get really home sick and sad, but that’s when Aranda comes in to tuck us in, and Jen reads us bedtime stories. They even take requests for lullabies, if you want one. Which of course you do cause they have voices like angels and do interpretive dances too! All around, Aranda and Jen are the best RAs you could possibly have. Living on their floor is like a sunny day with a light breeze, warm and caring, but still so cool. 

-Allison T.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's True...We're Back.

Hello All You Everyones,

Well, most of you have noticed that we basically took the summer off from blogging.  We’ve been receiving a lot of emails, like, “When are you going to start blogging again?”,  “When can I start submitting my guest posts?” and “How can I tease my hair so I can be just like Jen Horchler?”  The answer to all of these questions is yes.

 We hope you aren’t too frustrated or bothered that we took such a long break.  But guess what today is?  The beginning.  The beginning of another school year.  The beginning of a new, exciting season of blogging.  Wii our sew glad yew desidedid two joyn uz on this adventur.

A few things to inform you of:
-We are still obsessed with Nick Fanton and Jon Firman.
-Luke G. is studying abroad in Spain.  But he’ll be back in the spring!  WE MISS YOU LUKE.
-We are now living in freshman dorms, and we have the awesome addition of 43 girls to our lives.  (Fourth North! We are so blessed to be your RA and RAR!)
-Sport the Escort has already been introduced.  We will talk about him often.

A few things to not inform you of:
-Everything from our apartment fit into our dorm room.
-Our ability to match has grown by a bunch of VERY attractive outfits.  (Think bright pink exercise tanks, Christmas sweaters, etc.)
-We discussed what we want out of the blog this year, and we decided that we’re definitely going to push stalking.  And by stalking, we mean, Christmas stockings.  So go out and by them early this year!!

It's good to be back.
We've missed you.

Love Aranda&Jen
 We take our job-of making everything about life clear-VERY seriously. You will not be disappointed.